Friday, June 29, 2007

Some Days

Yes, some days I am reminded that I am white and that I am a foreigner. It happens, especially when I have to buy groceries on the street.
I guess, after all, they are right, foreigners have some extra rupees to pay double for their tomatoes and cucumbers, if they are able to afford visas and tickets for travelling.
But hey, it is not that bad to be a foreigner!

Thursday, June 28, 2007


- Babe, you want a big or a small tart?
- Two small chocolate, please. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Delicacy, Yuan, Peking...

When you ask for less spicy chicken, garlic rice or chicken wings keep it in mind that it will also be saltless, tastless, sometimes uncooked or with less soya souce.
And it does not help no matter how many times you remind that you want only less green chilies and no red chily oil.
Apparently, all these foods have never been prepared without chilies, and somehow chily is associated with salt and other taste making ingredients.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Shush...little People are Sleeping

It seems all the little people in his head are sleeping, so should talk very softly early mornings.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I like Indian Grandmothers
Kitchen Mystery

We eat two-three times a day but somehow dishwashing comes up to five times a day, at least!

Monday, June 18, 2007

...and he will be back then

He asked me to count till seven million and then he will be back by then.
I got stuck in numbers; I have never been good in maths.
Still waiting for you...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tom and Jerry

Now it makes perfect sense why few times we had strange cat invade our house!
This afternoon I saw little Jerry running and jumping in the kitchen!

Our zoo is growing! Welcome Jerry!

P.S. soon I will become a professional killer.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

In My Happiness

I was so happy that our new washing mashine was arriving that I ran down the stairs into the house; I saw a washed, tasty, beautiful mango on the table and I said to it, "Come here!"
Mango did not reply.
While singing I took it in my hands and diligently ate it.
Sad for mangoes, they cannot protest. But I am so glad the washing mashine is arriving at last!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

At The End

If a husband does not love his wife, if a wife does not respect and honour her husband, if children don’t obey their parents and if parents don’t care and don’t hear their children…it then does not matter what we pretend to be in the eyes of others. We failed in our own families, in our own homes.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Remote Control

Well, some people have their shoes chewed by their dog, some have their shoes peed in by cat...
and me...I have a TV remote control where cockroach eaten the buttons.