Monday, August 25, 2008

Trapped In A Bottle

How true it is when they say that crowds never secure a man from loneliness.
A human can scream and shout for help out of despair, only to be like a beetle trapped in a bottle, where it is left to the horror of its own wounded fate, resembling into the echo of an inevitable death, while the outside, all glittery and gay, passes the pretense of serenity and sanity, outrages upon the simplicity of a sincere heart and desecrates the ideals of purity and charity.

Many of us, at least once, get into a bottle and scream, and some make it out, while others find their resting place inside the suffocating bottle.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Christ of the Indian Road
by E. Stanly Jones

Parts from the chapter The Concrete Christ. I quote parts of it, the rest you can read in the book.
“Jesus the mystic appeals to India, the land of mysticism. But Jesus the mystic was amazingly concrete and practical. He taught but he did not speculate. He never used such words as “perhaps,” “maybe,” “I think so.” Even his words had concrete feeling about them. They fell upon the soul with authority of certainty.
He did not discourse on the sacredness of motherhood- he suckled as a babe at his mother’s breast, and that scene has forever consecrated motherhood.
He did not discourse on the dignity of labor- he worked at the carpenter’s bench and his hands were hard with the toil of making yokes and plows, and this forever makes the toil of the hands honorable.
As he came among men he did not try to prove the existence of God-he brought him. He lived in God and men looking upon his face could not find it within themselves to doubt God.
He did not argue, as Socrates, the immortality of the soul – he raised the dead.
He did not teach in a didactic way about the worth of children – he put his hands upon them and blessed them and setting one in their midst tersely said, “Of such is the kingdom of God,” and he raised them from the dead.
He did not argue that God answers prayer- he prayed, sometimes all night, and in the morning ‘the power of the Lord was present to heal.”
He did not paint in glowing colors the beauties of friendship and the need for human sympathy – he wept at the grave of his friend.
He did not teach in the schoolroom manner the necessity of humility –he“ girded himself with a towel and knelt down and washed his disciple’s feet.
He did not prove how pain and sorrow in the universe could be compatible with the love of God- he took on himself at the cross everything that spoke against the love of God, and through that pain and tragedy and sin showed the very love of God.
He did not discourse on the beauty of love- he loved.
He did not merely tell us that death need have no terror for us- he rose from the dead, and lo, now the tomb glows with light.
Many teachers of the world have tried to explain everything- they changed little or nothing. Jesus explained little and changed everything.
Many teachers have tried to diagnose the disease of humanity- Jesus cures it.
He did not go into long discussions about the Way to God and the possibility of finding him- he quietly said to men, “I am the Way.””

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This rain, like the unleashed dogs, ran on the streets, biting the passers-by, making them rush and jump over the puddles, all wet.

I like rains, but now I appreciate my warm home and the big French window.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Yes, We Are Ready For The Game!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Like the autumn leaves plucked by the wind from a tree, my thoughts, before they could become words, were thrown into the silence, like the rain wet ground, where they got stuck and never became the creating force, they did not dance that last autumn dance, like the leaves, right before they get stamped on.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

No Other Agenda

I think that new-born babies, when they are 2-3 months (and probably for some time), give the most sincere smiles, when they do so, they really mean it; and when they cry - they also really mean it.

How important it is to have a good foundation in a relationship.
So the father and the son have it based on a burp. One needs it almost every hour, the other can help with it.