Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Angel Desiring To Smack

There are two people who call me an angel and there is nothing that can persuade them otherwise.

Well, have you seen an angel who wanted to smack someone?

The other day I was crossing the street and right in the middle of the road between the cars on my left and a big van and bus on my right, with all the people crossing the road
I saw this face of a street kid about thirteen. The next thing I remember was a cold wet jet of water flying straight at me through the front teeth of the boy and landing on my face. Good shot!
We passed each other different directions and as I was wiping my face with my scarf it was one of those moments that I wanted to smack someone … this boy with my bag. I decided to cool down and trace the boy days after with my water gun. Lets see, I still have to decide – to get a balloon with water or a water gun.
Saying angel? Hmm…


Laura Castelino said...

i'd go with the water gun :)

Citrus said...

Loved this one.